The weekend of September 18th-19th 2021, The ToonHeadz had the awesome opportunity to attend Suwanee Fest! This year, Suwanee Fest's theme was "Treasure Awaits", so the festival was filled with pirates, treasure, and lots of fun. The family-friendly atmosphere was very inviting and entertaining for people of all ages.
"Every year we do Suwanee Fest, it's always an amazing experience. We love the people that we get to draw, and we love the festival coordinators that we get to work with who make the festival run smoothly and effortlessly. Everything is super organized and family-friendly. I recommend anyone and everyone that I can to get out to Suwanee Fest. This year was especially exceptional because we were able to have three artists, which allowed us to draw way more people than we have in years past. I'm proud of my team, the coordinators, and of course all the guests that came out to show their support." -A.J. Jensen, The ToonHeadz Owner

Suwanee Fest holds a special place for The ToonHeadz as we have attended for 6 years now. Because of the consistency with attendance, The ToonHeadz' reputation for professionalism, talent, and entertainment quickly drew in a crowd. Caricature artists, AJ Jensen, Bobby Morris, and Destin Andrews, were non-stop busy throughout the two-day festival. It is estimated that between the three ToonHeadz artists, they drew over 500 caricature faces. This perfectly demonstrates the speed and skill of these seasoned artists

"Working at Suwanee Fest was wonderful this year. I got to meet so many locals while drawing caricatures. It was nice getting to know some new people and drawing some returning customers. It's always nice seeing some familiar faces and rekindling friendships made with locals and staff alike. The weather was nice despite impending storms - which seemed to dissipate before our eyes. I also got to try some amazing jumbo shrimp from the food trucks which was out-of-this-world-delicious! It was fun working with my coworkers, AJ Jensen and Destin Andrews. At one point, I had to refill my paper board. When I got back I was a bit shocked that Jack Sparrow had picked up my pen to draw the waiting couple! His drawing wasn't half bad! Suwanee Fest ended up being a complete success because of the fine people, cheerful children, amazing staff, and delicious food. I definitely plan on going again next year!" -Bobby Morris, The Toonheadz Co-Owner

As you can tell by our artists' enthusiasm, we cannot recommend going to Suwanee Fest enough. It is certainly an experience that will be wonderfully memorable. We appreciate the hard work and efforts of all involved in making Suwanee Fest happen. You outdo yourselves every year, and without you it wouldn't be possible. For more information regarding events by Suwanee, be sure to visit their website at: