Recently The ToonHeadz team got to celebrate the end of the Fall Season with another Toonheadz Party! They celebrated their successful and prosperous season at Main Event in Suwanee, Georgia.
"Fall was a great season, and I was super proud of all the artists that were able to help with the heavy volume of events and festivals we had during that time. Everyone was on their A-Game by being super professional, overly communicative, and boosting their artistic ability to the max! I am proud to have these artists on the team!" -A.J. Jensen, Owner of The ToonHeadz

The ToonHeadz offered awards to all the artists. The awards were handed out to Top Artists, Top Sales, and most Creative. The ToonHeadz actually added two more categories for awards, thus being the "Kick-Ass Award" and "Best Live Caricature".
Top Artists 3rd Place: Meagan Lafferty

The ToonHeadz Top Artist 3rd place award went to Meagan Lafferty.
Meagan is the artist that radiates positivity and enthusiasm. She spreads joy wherever she goes with her fun, artistic style and cheery demeanor. Although she's one of the newer members of the ToonHeadz team, she's always willing to lend a helping hand, improve herself daily, and go above and beyond for her clients and fellow ToonHeadz team members.
"The artist you sent was absolutely phenomenal! She did great work and had such a positive attitude." -Tiffany Greene, Client
Top Artists 2nd Place: Lillian Cotton

The ToonHeadz Top Artist 2nd place went to another new team member, Lillian Cotton. Unfortanely, Lillian couldn't make it out due to prior engagements, yet being in this awesome world of technology she was able to watch the whole ceremony using FaceTime.
Lillian may be petite, but she is fierce in every sense of the word. She is an artist that is intensely driven to consistently improve her artistic skills and is always ready to step up when she's needed. She's punctual, professional, and exudes creativity. Lillian is always excited to try something new, and she has certainly become an integral member of The ToonHeadz team.
Top Artists 1st Place: Erica Brooks

The ToonHeadz Top Artist 1st place award went to a caricature artist that has been with us for over 2 years, Erica Brooks.
Erica is an artist that is humble, yet undeniably talented. She works incredibly hard on her art every single day and produces incredible pieces. It is evident she loves what she does, and her innovation, consistency, and passion shine through every caricature. Erica is well loved by our clients and team members alike.
"We chose Erica as the first place Top Artist because of her consecutive willingness to improve artistically, her diligence in communication, punctuality, and problem-solving that showcases the utmost professionalism. We always receive positive feedback about her talents and professionalism from our clients and customers. She goes above and beyond to provide extraordinary, awesome entertainment." - A.J. Jensen, Owner of The ToonHeadz
Most Sales: Gabby Gonzalez

The ToonHeadz top sales was awarded to our talented and quick artist: Gabby Gonzalez. With only being apart of the team for a couple months, she has taken The ToonHeadz by storm. With her rich caricature style and speedy delivery, makes her attractive to a lot of customers. Gabby's talent, in not only creative talent, but also with her knack in drawing quick and rich caricatures makes her definitely deserve this award.
Most Creative: Destin Andrews

The ToonHeadz has awarded our famous and talented artist, Destin Andrews, as most creative for 2021 Fall Season. This award goes to artists that have a willingness to improve themselves creatively. Destin has shown tremendous strive in his artistic ability and pushing himself creatively. All of the artist on the team are raving about Destin's new color techniques. The ToonHeadz Team and customers are exceptionally impressed by Destin's crisp and clean looking caricatures.
Best Live Caricature: Sean Davis

The ToonHeadz have added a new award, "Best Live Caricature". This award helps showcase one awesome live caricature that one of the artist on The ToonHeadz Team created. Sean Davis' live caricature on which he accomplished at "The Yellow Daisey Festival" was beyond phenomenal and won the award for Best Live Caricature. The customer not only loved it, but the caricature was definitely recognized among the caricature community. It not only supports an awesome likeness of the customer, but introduces awesome exaggerations and design that create an awesome caricature. The use of color, shapes, and balance can showcase there are vast amounts of ways to accomplish a fun caricature.
Kick-Ass Award: Rachel Clark

The ToonHeadz also introduced another new award, the Kick-Ass award. This award showcases the willingness in improving The ToonHeadz company. Rachel Clark, The ToonHeadz Secretary, has been working diligently and gracefully with the clients and customers to make sure they get the best experience caricature has to offer. Rachel's efforts in providing sincere and excellent customer service, her organizational methods, problem solving, and care for the artists has really improved the company! Everyone on the ToonHeadz Team appreciates her tremendously and honored to have her help alongside the team.